SSL Client Certificate Creation

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To obtain a client certificate signed by the Antiflux CA:

  1. Create a directory in which to store your key and certificate:

    mkdir $HOME/.ssl ; cd $HOME/.ssl

  2. Generate a key (where user is your username):

    openssl genrsa -out $HOME/.ssl/user.key 1024

  3. Ensure the key is not readable by other users:

    chmod 0600 $HOME/.ssl/user.key

  4. Generate a certificate signing request (CSR):

    openssl req -new -key $HOME/.ssl/user.key -out $HOME/.ssl/user.csr

  5. E-mail the CSR (NOT the key) to root:

    mail < $HOME/.ssl/user.csr

The following steps are for administrators only:

  1. Export the CSR to a file called user.csr in /etc/ssl/antiflux
  2. Sign the CSR:

    cd /etc/ssl/antiflux ; make sign

  3. Move the certificate to the client certificates directory:

    mv /etc/ssl/antiflux/user.cert /etc/ssl/private/user.crt

  4. Create a PKCS#12 file:

    cd /etc/ssl/client ; openssl pkcs12 -export -clcerts -in user.crt -inkey user.key -out user.p12

  5. Send the certificate and PKCS#12 files to the user.

The PKCS#12 file (user.p12) can then be imported into most browsers and IMAP clients. The key (user.key) and certificate (user.crt) should be stored in the user's home directory ($HOME/.ssl, for example). The certificate file can be world readable, but the key should only readable by the user.

Note: "make sign" will delete the CSR, so make a copy ahead of time if you're going to want it later.